PVC Upholstery Screen | ODYS - Turquoise Blue

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If you are looking for a PVC Upholstery Screen high quality to interior or exterior then this PVC screen is the right choice Because it is ideal for staging chairs and interior sofas, for cars, buses, boats and upholstery and mattresses used in hospital environment and child care. Thanks to its high resistance, antimicrobial properties and low temperatures resistance this screen It is suitable for various applications that may require much wear. This Screen It is a fabric for synthetic upholstery that can be sold to meter or roll. It can be used to line or discharge chairs, sofas, upholstery, mattresses, sun loungers or other types of furniture. More details about this Metro Sold Screen

* Type of fabric: PVC screen
* Roll width: 1.40 meters +/- 3%
* Composition Surface:  100% PVC
* Base composition: 100% polyester
* Approximate grass: 750 g/m2
* Purpose: Screen to Line or Off | Furniture Screen | Screen for Sofas and Chairs |
Screen for Hospital Environment | Transportation Screen | Screen for Boats |
Exterior Upholstery Screen | Screen with UV Resistance | Impermeable screen
* Traction resistance (EN ISO 1421): Urguume 459 N 92.4% | TRAMA 307 N 164%
* Tear resistance (EN ISO 4674-1): Urguume 68.1 N | 70N plot
* Sewing resistance (ISO 12947-1.2): Urguume 1.5 mm | 1.5 mm plot
* Abrasion resistance (ISO 12947-1.2): > 800,000 cycles -Intense use
* Flexion Resistance - BALLY TEST (DIN EN ISO 32100/ DIN 53359 - 200,000 cycles): Pass
* Friction solidity (ISO 105-X12): Dry 5 | Humid 5
* Color solidity in artificial light (ISO 105-BO2) Exposure level 7: > 7
* Color solidity to chlorine water (ISO 105-EO3): 5
* Color solidity to seawater (ISO 105-EO2): 5
* Color solidity to artificial weather (EN ISO 105-B04): > 5
* Urine resistance (urea solution): Pass
* Rature resistance by freezing: -23ºC
* Resistance to hospital cleaning disinfectant: Pass
* Anti-Static: Pass
* IMO RES MSC.307 (88): Pass part 8
* UV resistance and wear: (QUV 1000H)
* Fire tests:
EN 1021-1 / 2 - Cigarette & Match Tests: Pass
BS 5852 Part I - Cigarette & Match Tests: Pass
Ca tech. Bull. 117: 2013 / NFPA 260 - Cigarette Test: Pass
* Main features: Screen with high abrasion resistance, anti-bacterial, anti-bolor, hydrolysis (8-year) resistance, easy care, free, light texture, dull, anti-static, free of chemical solvents, hydrolysis resistance (10 years)
* Washing: Wash manually with mild soap with circular motion cloth. To remove dust use aspirator.  Do not iron. Do not use dryer.

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