This Pill or Jute Fabric It is a 100%natural fiber that is used to embroider arraiol rugs. It is also a fabric suitable for rustic and minimalist decorations. This fabric of Jute Fabric Arraiolos can be used for rugs, towels, pillows, bags or simply to decorate a branch of flowers. This Christmas use a little serapilheira in your Christmas decorations. In Texland can buy fabric of Jute Fabric or serapilo for arraiolos The meter and roll in many different colors, adapted to the type and measurements of your project.
Fabric type: Jute Fabric or serapilo for arraiolos
Roll width: 1.5 meters (+/- 3%)
Roll length: 40 to 60m
Composition: 100% Jute Fabric
Purpose: Arraiolos Rugs, Arraiolos Screen, Crafts, Bags, Space Decoration and Events, Christmas Decoration